Integrated administration model to enhance participating schools in the world class standard school project

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Chawinnawat Na Lampoon


The research aims to evaluate and to study the problems of school administration in regards to world class standard school project, construct the model and study the results of using the model for enhancing the quality of schools. The instruments used were analyzing the score, evaluating small group discussion, interviews recording of workshop, checking the relevancy, feasibility and validity of the drafted model and handbook for using the model, evaluating the results of using the model, evaluating satisfaction with the model utilization, and recording the lesson. The Population and Samples were 14 schools participating in world-class standard schools project in Chiang Mai Province. Data was analysed in terms of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The findings reveal schools in Chiang Mai in regards to world class standards came up with 341.02 mean, failing to pass the criteria set by Thailand Quality Award (TQA) promoted by the Oce of the Basic Education Commission. The main problems included administrator’s unclear understanding on school administration regarding standards, students and stakeholders of various backgrounds making dicult to develop students coming from poor families and insucient budget, resulting in student’s low academic achievement. Learning the outcomes not in line with the vision and identity of the school. The integrated administration model for enhancing quality of world class standard schools was composed of principle, objectives, system, mechanism and operational methods. The model follows PDCAI cycle: Plan-Do-Check-Act-Improve. Results of the model assessment reveal that the model eectiveness and satisfaction of the users were at the highest levels.The feedback reveals that the school administrators should were promote learning organization to actualize the school’s vision along with the operational plan, evaluation method, good practice and benchmarks to assure desirable outcomes, eciency and eectiveness.

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How to Cite
Na Lampoon, C. (2019). Integrated administration model to enhance participating schools in the world class standard school project. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 14(3), 47–53. retrieved from
Research Articles


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