Spectrum allocation scheme on multi-user MIMO cognitive radio systems

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Rattasat Laikanok
Krittaya Nakprasit
Suwaphat Kadjantuk


In this paper, the spectrum allocation scheme has been proposed to enable complete spectrum sharing in multi-user MIMO cognitive radio (CR) systems. Performance analysis has been developed to evaluate bit error rate (BER) of each secondary user (SU) because of the effect of node member positions in multi-user CR network. In order to achieve this SUs which are ready to receive data and can communicate by ignoring any damage caused to the primary user (PU)’s communication at the same time. The authors have successfully used this method to process each frequency channel and to allocate channel to the appropriate SUs. The advantages of this system are as follows: 1) the performance analysis is able to support multi-user CR systems, 2) this research can clearly indicate the effect of the positions of node members in the CR network on their service quality, 3) the impact on both downlink and uplink operations are combined in order to make the final decision for communication, and 4) the spectrum allocation scheme which is able to allocate frequency channels for all users in CR systems is presented. The simulation results that are provided, show the performance of SU in term of BER inside their coverage areas along with the effect of GPS error. The results present the complete allocation of spectrum sharing for multi-user CR systems. The outcome of this research is very useful in further development of CR systems. In addition to this, it can be easily implemented in practice at the stage of spectrum sharing. Each SU can decide for themselves whether their position is adequate for good quality communication or not.

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How to Cite
Laikanok, R., Nakprasit, K., & Kadjantuk, S. (2019). Spectrum allocation scheme on multi-user MIMO cognitive radio systems. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 14(4), 37–42. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jtir/article/view/221552
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