Indicators of active ageing for sustainable development: A comparative insights of ageing elderlies from Chiang Mai (highland) and Nakhon Pathom (lowland) Provinces, Thailand

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Kampanad Bhaktikul
Sayam Aroonsrimorakot
Meena Laiphrakpam
Orapun Metadilogkul
Shantibala Konjengbam


There is a growing importance in the research of longevity, active ageing and its indicators as ageing has profound social and economic consequences in the 21st century with implications for nearly all sectors of society. As active ageing is a global goal in today’s ageing world for meeting the challenges of older people and for improving their quality of life, it is important to understand the indicators of active ageing for developing policies and programs focused on active ageing in an ageing society like Thailand. This article aims to provide comparative insights of the important indicators of active ageing in the two provinces. The data was collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews, including 6 participants from Chiang Mai and 6 from Nakhon Pathom, based on convenience and purposive sampling method. The findings provide insights of the important indicators as family or neighborly support, community participation, health care improvement and social security to improve the well-being of elderly and concluded with the need of innovative policies and public services specifically targeted to elderlies’ active ageing indicators, including those addressing, health care, social security, family support, social participation, activities and social protection for the ageing elderly.

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How to Cite
Bhaktikul, K., Aroonsrimorakot, S., Laiphrakpam, M., Metadilogkul, O., & Konjengbam, S. (2019). Indicators of active ageing for sustainable development: A comparative insights of ageing elderlies from Chiang Mai (highland) and Nakhon Pathom (lowland) Provinces, Thailand. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 14(5), 39–46. retrieved from
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