Sensitivity analysis and validation of socio-eco-efficiency score (SEES) on companies doing business in Thailand.

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Suvapak Taechasriprasert
Harnpon Phungrassami
Phirat Usubharatana


Since The word ‘sustainability’ was introduced in the 1980s to define an efficiency and responsible consumption. Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs) and tools have been playing an important role on offering companies an improving performance with superior economic. Socio-Eco-Efficiency Score (SEES) is the SDIs that combines the advantages of each well-known and widely used sustainability tool together and allows a company to monitor and benchmark its positioning and sustainability performance on financial, environmental and social aspects. In this research, workability and sensitivity analysis on SEES model has been analyzed. The result showed that even though there are several important factors during data interpretation and sustainability performance ranking process, SEES model was still working well in terms of performance assessment and business evaluation and development. The sustainability score from each scenario of sensitivity analysis did not have significant difference from each other. Each scenario of sensitivity analysis has pointed out the same summary with the other. In terms of model evaluation, the results satisfied expectations on solving the lack of linkage between each indicator in sustainability tools. The companies would be able to realize perspective that they are falling behind in their business section.

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How to Cite
Taechasriprasert, S., Phungrassami, H., & Usubharatana, P. (2019). Sensitivity analysis and validation of socio-eco-efficiency score (SEES) on companies doing business in Thailand. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 14(5), 55–64. Retrieved from
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