The effectiveness of strengthening leg muscles physical exercise promotion program for preventing falls of the elderlies in Thailand

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Theerapon Phungdee
Venus Wattanathamrong
Nutthakritta Sirisopon


This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effectiveness of a physical exercise promotion program for strengthening leg muscles to prevent falls of the elderlies. Protection motivation theory was employed as a theoretical framework in this study. The experimental group comprised 30 elderly people aged 60 years and older who received medical care at Pathum Thani Hospital in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand. Simple random sampling was used to select participants to the experimental group (n = 30). The participants took part in the physical exercise promotion program consisting of 2 activities. The first activity, \textit{Know Risks - Know Dangers - Prevent Falls}, comprised watching a video regarding falls in the elderly, group discussions, media lectures, and demonstrations and practices of a 10-step physical exercise to strengthen leg muscles. The second activity involved the use of intelligent postcard innovation to prevent falls as well as releasing emotions and feelings. The comparison group received activities determined by the hospital with a monthly follow-up for 3 months. A questionnaire and a leg muscle strength test were used as instruments in this study. Data were collected both before and after participating in the program and subsequently analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test and independent t-test. The results showed that after participating in the program, the experimental group had higher mean scores for physical exercise to prevent falls and strengthening leg muscles than before participating in the program and those in the control group at  gif.latex?\alpha&space;= .05 significance level. This study concluded that the program developed from the protection motivation theory proposes that people protect themselves based on four factors. The researchers can effectively promote physical exercise to strengthen leg muscles in preventing falls of the elderlies.

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How to Cite
Phungdee, T., Wattanathamrong, V., & Sirisopon, N. (2020). The effectiveness of strengthening leg muscles physical exercise promotion program for preventing falls of the elderlies in Thailand. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 15(2), 19–23. retrieved from
Research Articles


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