Effective behavioral interventions for smoking cessation in the primary care setting: A meta-analysis.

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Kamollabhu Thanomsat
Jintana Yunibhand


There are a number of smoking cessation strategies offered by healthcare providers in Thailand. Despite this, the number of Thai smokers have stopped smoking permanently as a result of the strategies is still far less than the expectation of the National Strategic Plan for Tobacco Control. It feels that this is a reflection of the fact that there are a lot of delicate issues around use of the tobacco cessation service system. This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of strategies for smoking cessation intervention among smokers in the primary care setting on point prevalence abstinence (PPA) basis. English and Thai language articles from 1993 to 2018 available from six databases were used as data sources. Two independent reviewers assessed articles against the following eligibility criteria: experimental study, adult smokers 18 years of age, studies comparing the effectiveness of a smoking cessation intervention with no treatment or wait-list control, or usual care. Study quality was critically appraised by two reviewers using established criteria; Review Manager 5.1 was used for meta-analyses. Of the 77 eligible studies that were found, 15 had complete data for meta-analysis on PPA and/or wait-list control, or usual care. The meta-analyses indicated that smoking cessation counseling using quitline telephone counseling was the most effective strategy for smoking cessation on PPA when compared with no treatment or usual care. Conversely, other interventions resulted in nonsignificant differences between the experimental and control groups. In summary telephone counseling was found to be the most appropriate approach for facilitating smoking cessation in adult smokers in the primary healthcare setting. Further research is needed to compare the optimal course length, intensity, and long-term effectiveness for helping smokers quit in the primary healthcare setting.

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How to Cite
Thanomsat, K., & Yunibhand, J. (2019). Effective behavioral interventions for smoking cessation in the primary care setting: A meta-analysis. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 14(6), 1–6. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jtir/article/view/238988
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