Assessment methodologies of groundwater redevelopment considering sustainable utilization: a case study in central Taiwan.

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Ahain Yang


Before a groundwater source is redeveloped, many factors determining the groundwater resources should be analysed. As a minimum these should include natural recharge rate, current pumping rate, downstream reserves and reduction factors. Considering the diffculties with actual measurement of groundwater recharge, a method for estimating the rate must be adopted. A complete assessment methodology should be used based on the downstream reserve water of the groundwater area, the rights of users, environmental utilization and the groundwater recharge sources of target area. This approach is necessary in order to help numerical convergence and ensure the sustainability of groundwater resources. This paper uses the groundwater basin of Puli in central Taiwan as an example. It proposes a sound and simple assessment methodology that can be used by the government water resource management teams and development projects to estimate reasonable and sustainable groundwater redevelopment.

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How to Cite
Yang, A. (2019). Assessment methodologies of groundwater redevelopment considering sustainable utilization: a case study in central Taiwan. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 14(6), 7–13. retrieved from
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