Iterative receiver design for indoor wireless visible light communication system

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Adisorn Kaewpukdee
Jesada Sartthong
Harutai Dinsakul
Piya Kovintavewat


White LED will be a dominant device for lighting in the near future through which we can have the luminance and data transmission simultaneously. An indoor wireless visible light communication system (IWVLC) describes the communication during the indoor applications. This paper presents an iterative receiver design for the IWVLC system and proposes the Soft-Output-Viterbi algorithm to equalize and detect the signal at the receiver of the IWVLC system which is based on the numerical simulation. The performance of the proposed algorithm is better than the conventional Viterbi algorithm in terms of the bit error rate. The simulation results unveil the performance of the proposed iterative algorithm where it can be seen that the BER comes out to be less at the same SNR (dB) as compared to the conventional ones even when the data rate is very high.

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How to Cite
Kaewpukdee, A., Sartthong, J., Dinsakul, H., & Kovintavewat, P. (2019). Iterative receiver design for indoor wireless visible light communication system. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 14(6), 28–35. retrieved from
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