Standard development of rehabilitation services for cerebral palsy children in disability services center and their networks

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Suchaya Thiansaengthong
Jaturong Boonyarattanasoontorn


This qualitative research aimed to study the situations of rehabilitation services given to cerebral palsy children in disability services center and networks for physically challenged children and to develop the standard of rehabilitation services for Cerebral Palsy. Fieldwork was conducted along with in-depth interviews of a sampling group comprising management levels, heads of the service team, service providers and clients, totaling 37 people. All are from disability services center and service networks for physically challenged children, which provide rehabilitation services for cerebral palsy children.The results can be summarized into a standard of rehabilitation services for cerebral palsy children in disability services center and networks. There are 8 components, 25 indicators and 65 diagnosis guidelines. The total score is 325 points. The 8 components are 1) Qualifications of the service providers 2) Location, facilities and equipment 3) Access to services 4) Privileges of a child patients; 5) Rehabilitation services 6) Database system 7) Coordination system and 8) Evaluation and assessment of service quality.

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How to Cite
Thiansaengthong, S., & Boonyarattanasoontorn, J. (2019). Standard development of rehabilitation services for cerebral palsy children in disability services center and their networks. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 14(6), 48–56. retrieved from
Review Article


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