Performance evaluation of wavelet time-resolved phase-amplitude coupling estimates on small numbers of trials

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Sopapun Suwansawang


Time-resolved phase-amplitude coupling (tPAC) is increasingly used in clarifying the interactions between neuronal oscillation
of different frequencies. In this study, Airy wavelet-based method for tPAC estimates on small numbers of trials is presented.
The method was validated using both synthesized and experimental data. Simulation results suggested that tPAC analysis using
more than 15 trials oers better joint time-frequency resolution. Experimental results showed that tPAC estimates on 30-,
50-, and 100-step cycles are able to detect similar significant coupling in the time-frequency plane. Dominant couplings are
between 6 Hz and 8-32 Hz around heel contact. These frequency components partly overlap with the frequency components
of motor unit activity during human treadmill walking. Wavelet tPAC analysis presented in this study may be used to track timelocalised
common oscillations in short segments of non-stationary neurophysiological signals with varying time and frequency

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How to Cite
Suwansawang, S. . (2020). Performance evaluation of wavelet time-resolved phase-amplitude coupling estimates on small numbers of trials. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 15(1), 1–8. Retrieved from
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