The development of organic agrotourism route connection in Ban Hua Ao Community, Sam Phan District, Nakhon Pathom Province, to promote tourism potential
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This study aimed to 1) study the tourism-related contexts of Ban Hua Ao Community in Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand, and its connected areas, 2) study the agrotourism potential of Ban Hua Ao Community, and 3) develop connecting tourism routes for organic agrotourism according to the supply chain of organic products. This study adopted the method of qualitative research. Data were gathered by means of in-depth interviews with 20 people who were involved in Ban Hua Ao tourism. These people were divided into 5 groups: the community leaders, the local entrepreneurs, the residents, the public and private agencies, and the tourists. This study employed content analysis to analyze the data. The study found that Ban Hua Ao Community is known for its organic agricultural practice, which it uses to promote tourism. Ban Hua Ao Community shows great potential in all of the 5 respects of agrotourism potential. These are physical and biological landscape value; knowledge, wisdom and innovation value; tourism resource management potential; service potential; and potential to attract tourists. Finally it was found that the tourism route connection can be developed employing the concept of supply chain.
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