Lifestyles of Myanmar migrant workers under Thai socio-cultural context: A challenge of state management in the future

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Kornkanok Sarapirom
Pongsak Muensakda
Thitiporn Sriwanna


In recent decades, millions of labors have gradually migrated to the destination countries in search of better economic opportunities and more fulfilling way of their lives. In Thailand, labor migration is highly affected in driving the Thai economic growth, especially increasing of total factor productivity due to efficiency gains generated by increased specialization in the labor forces. Concurrently, a rapid economic growth causing labor shortage, neighboring countries encounter the economic recession, lack of quality of life and migrants illegally immigrate into Thailand to find work. Around 3.7 million migrants are living in Thailand, however, most of them are from Myanmar which accounted for 79.28%. This study has aimed to investigate the context of wider lifestyle choices that Burmese migrants made. The participatory action approach was applied to explore and reflect the migrants' certain livelihood in Samut Sakhon Province of Thailand. The major finding shows means of Burmese migrant's livelihood when the most surviving and earning for their families and living in Burmese migrant communities located in the down town city. The essential conditions which drive migrant laborers to migrate to Thailand are the cycle-like process involving children, family, and social networks of migrant workers. Most of them recognize the benefits of Thai language adaptation as it will facilitate them to have better lives. However, many of them face difficulties in terms of lacking recognition and accessibility of their labor rights and public services. To solve these problems, it is essential for all migrants to improve Thai language skills along with better understanding of Thailand's legislation and regulations. In addition, relevant governmental agencies should join hands with employers to establish a protocol for the promotion and protection of migrants' rights. Particularly, all relevant institutions should seek the inclusion of the migrant community in developing policies, practices, and responses to help establish appropriate interventions to reduce the abuse, exploitation, and trafficking of migrant domestic workers. Finally, this welfare policy of migrant workers can be implemented successfully through adopting a holistic approach and collaboration among departments; economic and social development, education, public health, and human rights.

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How to Cite
Sarapirom, K., Muensakda, P., & Sriwanna, T. . (2020). Lifestyles of Myanmar migrant workers under Thai socio-cultural context: A challenge of state management in the future. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 15(5), 8–15. retrieved from
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