Administration model of civil state schools to improve the quality of education

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Phongthun Na Chiangmai
Yongyouth Yaboonthong
Choocheep Puthaprasert
Phetcharee Rupavijetra


The research was to study the conditions, problems, and factors supporting the administration of civil state schools and to develop a model of administration and study the effects of using the model. The research instruments included, the questionnaire, the form for the minutes of the workshop, the form for checking appropriateness and feasibility of the drafted model, drafting the handbook for using the model, the form for evaluating the model's usage, the form for evaluating satisfaction when using the model, the form for recording the reflection on the model's usage.

The population were 88 civil state schools in Chiang Mai Province. The 176 informants in this study consisted of 88 school directors and 88 teachers from each civil state schools. The twelve informants who gave the information for developing the model composed of one deputy director from the Primary Education Service Area Office, one superintendent, ten administrators from civil state schools. The twelve informants who validated the relevancy and feasibility included six directors of the Office of Educational Service Area and six experts. The informants giving information to study the effect of the use were school directors and teachers being responsible for civil state schools and volunteering to take part in using the model and the handbook. The data was analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

The findings revealed that the administration of civil state schools had practical feasibility at a high level when presented in a descending order of the mean being the budget administration, the personnel administration, the academic administration, and the general administration, respectively. The supporting factors were at a high-level also, when ranked in a descending mean, being, the administration, the materials, the budget, and the personnel. The civil state school administration model was the principle, the objectives, the system, the mechanism, and operational methods of quality administration along with the PDCA model including Plan, Do, Check, and Act, accessing the guidelines and the success conditions.

The results were at a high level and with satisfaction being the highest. The reflection revealed that the model and its handbook were useful for administering in civil state schools to assure its effectiveness and efficiency. Also, the administrators had knowledge and understanding of the principles and theories of administration and the administration policy of the civil state schools. The teachers and educational personnel, the basic education school board members, the parents, and the community network understood the civil state school administration policy and participated in developing the policy regarding their roles. Additionally, the school administrators used the model and handbook on school administration as a tool to administer their schools with effectiveness and efficiency.

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How to Cite
Na Chiangmai, P., Yaboonthong, Y. ., Puthaprasert, C. ., & Rupavijetra, P. . (2020). Administration model of civil state schools to improve the quality of education . Interdisciplinary Research Review, 15(5), 16–23. retrieved from
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