The model of integrated learning management to develop learning in the 21st century for students of Northeast Sports School

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Manasanan Srisapan
Choocheep Puthaprasert
Yongyouth Yaboonthong
Phetcharee Rupavijetra


This paper aimed to study and develop 21st century learning of sport students in the Northeast of Thailand. Integrated learning management model was created and verified through research and development design. The findings revealed that the integrated learning management model for developing 21st century learning acquired along the open system approach for administration with the unitary integration of factors, namely, factors to facilitate the success 1) Inputs which included desirable characteristics of learners in 21st century, teacher's leadership, curriculum, media and technology, and education quality management and assessment, 2) Process including step 1- creating knowledge framework, step 2 - putting into practice, step 3 - outcome assessment, 3) Output - the success along the factors, and 4) Feedback - the reflection on problems and recommendations for operating in each step. The integrated learning management model for developing 21st century learning concerned individuals had satisfaction with it at most levels.

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How to Cite
Srisapan, M. . ., Puthaprasert, C. ., Yaboonthong, Y., & Rupavijetra, P. . (2020). The model of integrated learning management to develop learning in the 21st century for students of Northeast Sports School. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 15(5), 46–54. retrieved from
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