Effect of chemical fertilizer on leaf nutrient concentration and fruit quality in rose apple (Syzygium jambos L.) cv. Tabtimjan

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Pongnart Nartvaranant


The effect of chemical fertilizer on leaf nutrient concentration and fruit quality in rose apple (Syzygium jambos L.) cv. Tabtimjan was studied in Ratchaburi province, Thailand. The different chemical fertilizer doses applied to the rose apple tree by soil application was used as treatment, 2 kg/tree and 0.5 kg/tree of 17-17-17 chemical fertilizer formula. Both of chemical fertilizer doses were based on the farmer used in on and off season. The results showed that the different chemical fertilizer doses did not statistically affect (t > 0.05) to leaf nutrient concentration in rose apple. The leaf nitrogen (N) concentration was 1.51-1.79 % and 1.47- 1.77 % for 2 kg/tree and 0.5 kg/tree, respectively. The leaf phosphorus (P) concentration was 0.11-0.17 % and 0.13-0.17 % for 2 kg/tree and 0.5 kg/tree, respectively. The leaf potassium (K) concentration was 1.06-1.98 % and 1.04-1.52 % for 2 kg/tree and 0.5 kg/tree, respectively. While, there was significant difference in soil N, P and K concentration in some period of the study which 2 kg/tree gave the higher soil N, P and K concentration than those in 0.5 kg/tree (t < 0.05). For fruit quality, there was no significant difference in fruit quality but using 2 kg/tree gave the lower TSS:TA in December and February than those in 0.5 kg/tree (t < 0.05). From the results, it was concluded that the higher chemical fertilizer dose (2 kg/tree) applied to the rose apple trees did not necessary increase the leaf nutrient concentration as the optimum leaf nutrient concentration had met by the low chemical fertilizer dose (0.5 kg/tree) applied to the rose apple tree. Therefore, the 0.5 kg/tree chemical fertilizer dose should be optimum for the rose apple production.

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How to Cite
Nartvaranant, P. (2020). Effect of chemical fertilizer on leaf nutrient concentration and fruit quality in rose apple (Syzygium jambos L.) cv. Tabtimjan. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 15(6), 10–14. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jtir/article/view/241239
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