Examining the urine mitragynine concentration in Thai Kratom abusers and studying the effect of Beta-Glucuronidase in the analysis process
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The objectives of this study were to examine the urine mitragynine concentration in Thai Kratom abusers and to study the effect of Beta-glucuronidase in the Analysis Process. Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth) is an addictive plant in Thailand and is classified as a Penal Drug in Category-5 of the Thai Narcotics Act 2522 (1979), hence consuming Kratom in Thailand is still prohibited. Mitragynine is a major analgesic alkaloid in Kratom and it is responsible for the opioid effects of the substance. Cadaver urine samples (n = 26) and urine of the Kratom abused suspects (n = 26) were obtained from the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police Headquarters from January 2017 to December 2017. All urine samples were divided into 2 groups, the first group was treated with Beta-glucuronidase enzyme before being measured while the second group was non-enzymatic treated. The results found that, in the cadaver group, the average concentration in the enzymatic treated group and the non-enzymatic treated group was 286.83 and 288.10 ng/mL respectively. Moreover, in the Kratom abused suspects group, the average concentration in the enzymatic treated group and the non-enzymatic treated group was 289.23 and 273.65 ng/mL respectively. The paired sample t-test indicated non-significant dierences between enzymatic and non-enzymatic treated urine in both groups, and that the enzymatic processes are not necessary for the determination of urine mitragynine.
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