School management paradigm in digital disruption era

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Jiraporn Supising
Choocheep Puthaprasert
Chutima Musikanon
Phubet Poungkaew
Sirimas Kosanpipat


The objectives of this research were to: 1) synthesize components, 2) investigate problems and factors supporting to success, 3) develop paradigm, and 4) formulate policy proposals and practical proposals of school management paradigm in digital disruption era. Key informants were selected by purposive sampling consisting of personnel under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 34, faculty lecturers, and stakeholders. The instruments used were a synthesis form, a confirmative record form, a semi-structured interview form, a draft of preliminary structures, a verification form, an evaluation form, and a meeting record. Data were analyzed by frequency, mean, standard deviation, content synthesis, content analysis, and summarizing.

The results of this study were: 1) The components consisted of five preliminary components and thirteen sub-components, and all components and sub-components were usable. 2) There are five aspects of problems and solutions for five preliminary components. The supporting factors to success and management guidelines were 4 M: Man, Money, Material, Management. 3) Five preliminary structures of school management paradigm in digital disruption era were verified, evaluated, and recommendations to be completed. Each structure consisting of principles, aims, operational methods, and activities, and factors to success. 4) The policy proposals and practical proposals consisted of role of administrators, goals, operations, measurement and evaluation of success, and guidelines to direct and audit in accordance with recommendations.

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How to Cite
Supising, J. ., Puthaprasert, C. ., Musikanon, C. ., Poungkaew, P. ., & Kosanpipat, S. . (2021). School management paradigm in digital disruption era. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 16(2), 19–25. retrieved from
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