Technology acceptance affecting purchasing behavior among online apparel consumers

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Charttirot Karaveg


Electronic commerce, or e-commerce as it is commonly known, is an ultimate weapon against poverty in developing countries as it involves cheap and easy access to large markets for small and large sellers alike. The value of e-commerce in Thailand has been increasing rapidly in recent years, and has become the must-have business channel for both new e-entrepreneurs and traditional stores. This study looks at a particular market segment and explores how technology acceptance influences online apparel purchasing behavior. A Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was developed in the apparel industry context by taking into account seven factorsusefulness, ease of use, security, time pressure, hedonic orientation, product involvement, and enjoyment. Online purchasing behavior covers three stages: pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase. Multistage random sampling was used to select 386 online consumers; and their responses to a range of questions were collected through a websurvey. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistic and structural equation modeling (SEM). The result revealed that the technology acceptance level has positively significant influences on consumers’ online purchasing behavior, especially those who have apparel product experience and who enjoy shopping process. The government should develop policies (e.g. e-payment, e-shipment, data security) to increase the number of e-commerce users and to support expansion of the digital

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How to Cite
Karaveg, C. (2021). Technology acceptance affecting purchasing behavior among online apparel consumers. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 16(4), 16–23. retrieved from
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