Education Policies and COVID-19 in the Philippines: Observations and Inputs

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Inero Ancho


As the COVID-19 pandemic brings great impact in the education landscape, Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) has issued policy directives to address the health emergency in relation to teaching and learning. This study is focused on five (5) policy directives issued by the DepEd concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. As a descriptive research, this study scrutinized each policy directive vis-à-vis the nature and content in terms of aspects, contexts, and stakeholder involvement. Careful analysis of the data reveals that most of the directives mainly focus on health (those from the DOH and other related agencies) and administration. It is imperative to emphasize how specific aspects and contexts of teaching and learning are lack attention. It appears that the focus points of the policy directives are mainly set on activities outside the classroom.

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How to Cite
Ancho, I. (2021). Education Policies and COVID-19 in the Philippines: Observations and Inputs . Interdisciplinary Research Review, 16(4), 1–8. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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