Development of sustainable consumption and production indicators for industrial sector according to circular economy principles in Thailand
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This research aimed to: (1) investigate the sustainable consumption and production indicators for industriesas well as difficulties and limitations in using the indicators for the Eco-Factory program under the Federation of Thai Industries; and (2) develop the sustainable consumption and production indicators for Thai industries based on the Sustainable Consumption and Production Roadmap 2017–2037 and circular economy principles which are part of Thailand’s long–term strategic plan of the national industrial development goals based on the BCG Model (Bio–Circular–Green Economy Model). At present, there is none of academic study on the Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) indicators for sustainable development at the
micro level for industry in Thailand. This research focused on stakeholder involvement in developing indicators through surveys, an in–depth interview, a focus group meeting, a seminar, and a workshop. The study achieved the final version of SCP indicators (26 sets of indicators, 60 sub–indicators) consisting of 4 dimensions including environmental, social, economic, and good governance dimensions. Recommendations for implementation of indicators are (1) initiating a pilot project to support practical implementation in the industrial sectors based on industrial types including upstream, midstream, and downstream industries;(2) conducting a periodic review of the indicators, such as every 3 years by entrepreneurs and other sectors, and there should be standards, evaluation, and certification based on the circular economy standards of Thai Industrial Standard Institute
(TISI); and (3) supporting the information provision and workshop at the first step to promote the readiness for the industries interested in the implementation, as well as supporting the sustainability reporting of indicator implementation, and creating a network of collaboration between industries.
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