The promotion of quality of life for the elderly of the local administrative organizations in Khon Kaen Province

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Nipapan Jensantikul


This research aims to study the promotion of quality of life for the elderly, according to the development plan of the local administrative organizations in Khon Kaen province, and propose the management guidelines for the promotion of the quality of life of the elderly. This is qualitative research using multi-case studies. Data were collected from 15 purposively selected respondents, which were classified as those who played a role in implementing the development plan of the local administrative organizations, local public policy or finance specialists/academics, and those who played a role in the community. The data were analyzed with inductive data analysis. The results reveal that the management process relating to the quality of life promotion of the elderly according to the development plan of local administrative organizations in Khon Kaen province, considering planning and determination of scope, scale, and context of the projects in five local administrative organizations is different. This is a result of the budget allocation and consideration of the management potential of the local administrative organizations. However, there is no difference in the determination of administrative resources and administrative processes, control and monitoring. The management approaches for promoting the quality of life of the elderly should be a multilateral network of public agencies, private agencies, communities, NGOs, academic institutions, and interest groups to produce public services for the elderly.

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How to Cite
Jensantikul, N. (2022). The promotion of quality of life for the elderly of the local administrative organizations in Khon Kaen Province. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 17(3), 1–6. retrieved from
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