The effect of vocabulary development through narrow of second-grade learners

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Phattama Ngamchana
Sumolnit Kerdnoonwong


This research aims to investigate the effect of vocabulary development before and after teaching through narrow reading, survey the satisfaction with narrow reading among learners in terms of vocabulary development, and interview teachers with regard to experimental group development and the vocabulary development of learners. The participants in this study consisted of 40 learners in the first semester of the 2021 academic year at Chumchonwatsripachantakham School, Prachin Buri Province, Thailand. They were selected by cluster random sampling. The research instruments in the study were lesson plans based on vocabulary development through narrow reading, vocabulary, reading comprehension tests, satisfaction questionnaires about the study, and interviews with teachers regarding development. The data collection of this study employed online learning. The learners were assigned the pretest before using the treatment. They were taught vocabulary by the narrow reading technique and took the posttest after the treatment to investigate their vocabulary development and reading comprehension. The findings revealed the advantages of vocabulary development through narrow reading and satisfaction with the vocabulary competency of the learners. The open-ended questionnaire on the satisfaction of the learners indicated that learners had knowledge of the vocabulary used in the study. The interview responses of teachers implied that the vocabulary ability of learners had been enhanced. Consequently, narrow reading enabled vocabulary improvement as the satisfaction of learners and teachers interview effectively.

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How to Cite
Ngamchana, P., & Kerdnoonwong, S. (2022). The effect of vocabulary development through narrow of second-grade learners. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 17(2), 43–46. retrieved from
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