Assessment of genetic diversity of Wua-lan in Thailand

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Damrongsak Arlai
Theerapol Sirinarumitr
Janjira Phavaphutanon
Sudtisa Laopiem
Mananya Preyavitchayapugdee


Wua-lan (Khao-Lan) is one of the indigenous cattle (Bos indicus) in Thailand that needs immediately scientific data of animal breeding plans for this cattle management. Genetic characterization is the first step in the development of proper management strategies for preserving genetic diversity and preventing undesirable loss of alleles. Thus, in this study, we investigated genetic diversity and relationship of Wua-lan among different areas using 20 microsatellite markers. In this study, the analysis of autosomal DNA was performed on 76 Wua-lan which exhibited sufficient diversity across all the areas. The mean observed heterozygosity across all loci in this population was 0.484. Wua-lan had the allele size larger than both Thai native cattle (CSSM66 and TGLA153) and domestic cattle (BM6117 and CSSM66), but some allele size of domestic cattle (BM6445) was larger than Wua-lan. The genetic diversity was identified by expected heterozygosity (He), observed heterozygosity (Ho) and inbreeding coefficient (⨏) that was identified by areas as follows: Phetchaburi (0.546, 0.484 and 0.126), Ratchaburi (0.532, 0.478 and 0.134) andPrachuap Khiri Khan (0.508, 0.488 and 0.067), respectively. The Ho and He did not show differences between each area (∆He-Ho), the Wua-lan in Phetchaburi was the most different value, and Wua-lan in Prachuap Khiri Khan was the lowest difference value. The total of the observed heterozygosity and inbreeding coefficient (⨏) of Wua-lan in 3 areas were equal to 0.484 and 0.129. A broad variation of inbreeding coefficient (⨏) was found among all loci, ranging from -0.875 (CSSM66) in Phetchaburi to 0.894 (BM848) in Ratchaburi Province. The genetic differentiation of Wua-lan ranged from 0.930 (Rat-Pet pair) to 0.965 (Pra-Pet pair) that was genetically differentiated by a similar magnitude. The shortest of Nei’s genetic distances was observed between the Wua-lan from Ratchaburi (Rat) and Phetchaburi Province (Pet) (0.072) followed by Wua-lan from Prachuab Khiri Kahn (Pra) and Phetchaburi Province (Pet) (0.036). The Wua-lan from Prachuap Khiri Khan Province (Pra) was the most distant population, displaying the largest of Nei’s genetic distances (0.119) when compared with the Wua-lan from Phetchaburi Province (Pet). The bootstrap values among this breed ranged from 2.99 to 4.78. Thus, the low values in this study were caused by the high genetic similarity between areas of animal husbandry. This result of the change in interred clusters (∆K) values peaked at K=4, which exhibited a reliable grouping pattern. These points suggest a distant relationship between the populations of a single geographic area, with minimal appearance of shared genetic materials between the three areas. The finding in the current study point origins of Wua-lan in Phetchaburi, Ratchaburi, and Prachuap Khiri Khan and their close relationship has been supported, in this study that showed relatively more admixture within the west region of Thailand.

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How to Cite
Arlai, D., Sirinarumitr, T. ., Phavaphutanon, J., Laopiem, S., & Preyavitchayapugdee, M. (2022). Assessment of genetic diversity of Wua-lan in Thailand. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 17(1), 25–32. retrieved from
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