Achievement goals, emotions, and failure tolerance: Path model of students' mathematics motivation

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Avelino Ignacio


The purpose of this research paper is to decompose effect patterns comprising achievement goals, emotions, and academic failure tolerance in a single path model from a mathematics perspective. Teacher-education undergraduates from the College of Education of Bulacan State University, Philippines (N = 261) got via multistage sampling accomplished the self-report measures online: Achievement Goal Questionnaire, Achievement Emotions Questionnaire, and School Failure Tolerance Scale. Structural equation modeling was used to assess the research model. Results showed that the modified structural model indicators have good construct reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity, having an adequate fit, supporting several hypotheses. Findings showed that approach goals positively impact positive emotional pride, and negatively impact negative outcome emotions. Negative outcome emotions impact fear and discouragement after making errors on tasks they are trying to learn. Interpersonally defined avoidance goals yield low negative activity emotions. The path model offered a cleaner picture of the results.

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How to Cite
Ignacio, A. (2022). Achievement goals, emotions, and failure tolerance: Path model of students’ mathematics motivation. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 17(4), 1–7. Retrieved from
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