The process of teaching and learning to create students’ identity

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Ratchadakorn Phonpakdee
Sarawut Intorrathed


The purpose of the study was to empirically validate the teaching and learning process to create students' identity. Twenty-six Agricultural Education students and a lecturer in the Economics of Vegetables subjects completed three activities by applying five steps in enhancing the identity of Phonpakdee and Aquino: 1) exploring the identity of the student; 2) formulating objectives for developing the student; 3) setting a mission; 4) providing activities; and 5) evaluating the students' identity. The results showed that the number of students who had low perseverance decreased in all three domains. The number of students with low honesty in terms of affective and psychomotor decreased while cognitive domain remained the same. The number of students with low intuitiveness in the psychomotor was reduced but the cognitive and affective still did not change.

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How to Cite
Phonpakdee, R. ., & Intorrathed, S. (2022). The process of teaching and learning to create students’ identity. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 17(5), 6–10. retrieved from
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