Causal model development of customer-based brand equity of online food delivery agency business in Thailand
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The objectives of this research were to develop a causal model of Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE). For the food delivery service agent business in Thailand, this research is survey research. The research methodology used combination of qualitative methodology and quantitative methodology. The quantitative sample was 440 Thai customers who have experience using agent services and making food reservations online by themselves, and the qualitative sample consisted of 5 groups. The data were collected by questionnaires and group discussion and analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient analysis, confirmative factor analysis, and structural equation model analysis. The results of the research were as follows:
The marketing mix affects the brand value from the customer's point of view with the total influence of 0.29, direct influence of 0.29, and no indirect influence. The marketing mix affects customer satisfaction with the total influence of 0.32, direct influence of 0.17, and indirect influence of 0.16. The organization's transparency in the view of the customer affects the brand value from the customer's point of view with the total influence of 0.39, direct influence of 0.39, and no indirect influence. It also affected the organization's customer satisfaction with the total influence of 0.34, direct influence of 0.13, and indirect influence of 0.21. The service quality affects the brand value from the customer's point of view with the total influence of 0.29, direct influence of 0.29, and no indirect influence. It also affects customer satisfaction with the total influence of 0.42, direct influence of 0.27, and indirect influence of 0.16. The brand value from the customer point of view affects the satisfaction of the organization on the customer side with the total influence of 0.53, direct influence of 0.53, and no indirect influence. The qualitative results showed that marketing mix had an effect on customer-based brand equity. The results of the development of a causal model of Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBE) for online food delivery in Thailand can be concluded that the structural equation model is appropriate with the empirical data.
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