Modified mangosteen pericarp powder as a biosorbent for removal of methyl violet 2B from aqueous solutions
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This paper proposes the removal of methyl violet 2B from aqueous medium using modified mangosteen pericarp (MMPB) as biosorbent. The characteristic of surface biosorbent was examined by SEM and FTIR. It found that surface morphology was porous structure and demonstrated various functional groups which advantage for cationic dye adsorption. Effect of pH, amount of biosorbent and contact time on the dye removal efficiency were tested by batch experiments. The results indicated that the percentage of dye elimination increased with increasing of pH, amount of biosorbent and contact time. The experimental data showed a removal efficiency of the dye was higher than 95% from 10 mg/L of initial MV2B concentration with the pH range of 6 to 10 using amounts of biosorbent as 0.05 g in 25 mL dye solution and contact time of 90 min. The adsorption isotherm was well fitted to Langmuir model (R2 = 0.982) with a maximum adsorption capacity (qm) of 49.75 mg/g, suggesting the monolayer onto a homogenous surface. This study implied that modified mangosteen pericarp can be employed in the act of an inexpensive biosorbent for methyl violet 2B removal from aqueous solutions.
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