Research and development of roving team network to support the competency-based production process of quality teachers in the early childhood education program, Faculty of Education, Rajabhat University: A case study Chiang Mai Rajabhat University

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sirimas kosanpipat
Haruethai Anussornrajakit
Supatthara Kongruang


This research aimed 1) to study the process of roving team network to support the competency-based production of quality teachers, 2) to study the competency-based production process of quality teachers, and 3) to develop the roving team network to support the competency-based production process of quality teachers in the early childhood education program, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. Instruments used were a meeting record form, a record form of the research field, a self-evaluation form, and a meeting record form for lessons learned.  Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, analytic induction, and content analysis. The results were as follows: 1) results of the process of roving team network to support the competency-based production of quality teachers consisted of empathy, ideation, implementation, and evaluation, 2) results of the competency-based production process of quality teachers consisted of plan, do, check, and act. 3) results of the development of the roving team network to support the competency-based production process of quality teachers in the early childhood education program, were able to extend the knowledge grounded on CCR for the design learning management of the competency-based production process to develop pre-service teachers.

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How to Cite
kosanpipat, sirimas, Anussornrajakit, H. ., & Kongruang, S. (2023). Research and development of roving team network to support the competency-based production process of quality teachers in the early childhood education program, Faculty of Education, Rajabhat University: A case study Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 18(3). retrieved from
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