Developing A Participation-Building Model for Promoting Active Ageing among Older Adults

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Suwanna Vudhironarit
Nutchanat Yuhan-ngoh
Kittiwan Sarai


This study aimed to develop and study the effects of a participation-building model for promoting active ageing among older adults. The methodology in this study was a mixed method, including 1) deriving lessons from three best practice areas with high indices of older adult participation, 2) use of data from Stage 1 as baseline information presented in focus group discussions for developing the model, and 3) study of the effects of the Participation-Building Model for Promoting Active Ageing among Older Adults through quasi-experimental research. The results show a model consisting of area executives with the following policies and plans for supporting older adults who have the leisure to participate in social activities: 1) modifying facilities, environments, and communications; 2) supplying necessary equipment; and 3) providing lecturers to offer knowledge about activities, self-care, and communication technology. The people responsible for providing information and coordinating activities were arranged. At six months after the quasi-experiment, the mean scores of the experimental group were higher than the control group (t = 7.166, p =.000 and t = 7.570, p =.000, respectively). In addition, the experimental group’s mean scores for posttest participation and active ageing were found to be higher than the pretest scores (t = -4.030, p =.000 and t = -3.422, p =.002, respectively).

  According to the findings, the older adults who participated in social activities were found to have higher levels of engagement in active ageing with greater ability for self-care and security while participating in activities continually with a generally friendly attitude toward their surroundings. Therefore, it can be concluded that the program provides guidelines for promoting participation among older adults so they can be ready to perform activities in daily life, have good health, and be independent.

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How to Cite
Vudhironarit, S., Yuhan-ngoh, N. ., & Sarai, K. . (2023). Developing A Participation-Building Model for Promoting Active Ageing among Older Adults. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 18(1). retrieved from
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