Digital Logic Gate Simulation in Computer and IT for Agricultural Communications Course

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Kataya Mahachanawong Suvarnaphaet
Phisit Suvarnaphaet


The Computer and Information Technology (IT) for Agricultural Communications Course requires students to learn about computers and electronic devices. The course includes instruction on logic gates. This study proposes a hands-on operational design using the WeMos D1 R2 microcontroller as a research facility for experiments in the basic logic gate laboratory. The results of the experiment show that the system can be used because the results obtained are based on theoretical results. The electronic circuit's components were replaced by the WeMos D1 R2 microcontroller. It is simple to use and adaptable, demonstrating the operation of logic gates and Boolean algebras. This practice is also an innovative teaching of logic gates and Boolean algebra that has been demonstrated for a clearer and better understanding.

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How to Cite
Mahachanawong Suvarnaphaet, K., & Suvarnaphaet, P. (2023). Digital Logic Gate Simulation in Computer and IT for Agricultural Communications Course . Interdisciplinary Research Review, 18(5). retrieved from
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