Develop a Driving System of Management in Work-Integrated Education for Rajabhat Universities in the Upper Northern Region

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Jiraporn Supising
Sirimas Kosanpipat
Choocheep Puthaprasert
Phubet Poungkaew


This research is aimed 1) to construct a primary draft of a driving system of work-integrated education management for Rajabhat university in the upper northern region, 2) to verify the accuracy and suitability of a driving system of work-integrated education management for Rajabhat university in the upper northern region, 3) to complete a driving system of work-integrated education management for Rajabhat university in the upper northern region. The instruments used were a primary draft of a driving system of work-integrated education management and a verification form. Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, and categorized into a system. The results of the research were as follows: 1) a primary draft of a driving system of work-integrated education management for Rajabhat university in the upper northern region was constructed consisting of 5 components as follows: 1.1) information, 1.2) matching, 1.3) co-designing and implementation, 1.4) assessment and development, and 1.5) outreach activities; 2) the verification results of the driving system of work-integrated education management, the accuracy was average at 91.70 percent and the suitability was average at 90.91 percent; and 3) The complete driving system of work-integrated education management for Rajabhat university in the upper northern region consisted of policy, curriculum, implementation, students and workplace and employers through input, process, and output process.

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How to Cite
Supising, J. ., Kosanpipat, S., Puthaprasert, C., & Poungkaew, P. . (2023). Develop a Driving System of Management in Work-Integrated Education for Rajabhat Universities in the Upper Northern Region. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 18(2). retrieved from
Research Articles


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