Cooperation Problems of Criminal Justice Organizations in Addressing Human Trafficking Problems

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Piyaporn Tunneekul
Nathee Chitsawang


Thailand has been closely monitored in the issue of human trafficking by the United Nations. Additionally, Thailand has been ranked in Tier 2, indicating that Thai government has struggled to address human trafficking problems. However, this operation has not yet followed the minimum standards of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). Therefore, it is beneficial to study the roles of criminal justice organizations in coping with human trafficking issues, especially cooperation problems of relevant organizations as the main priority. This study is expected to identify effective practice guidelines in solving cooperation problems to upgrade human trafficking problem management to international standards and promote Thailand to be listed in Tier 1 group.  

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How to Cite
Tunneekul, P., & Chitsawang, N. . (2023). Cooperation Problems of Criminal Justice Organizations in Addressing Human Trafficking Problems. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 18(1). retrieved from
Research Articles


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