Compulsory education quality development model focused on the desired outcomes of learning based on equal and inclusive growth

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ํYongyouth Yaboonthong


The purposes of this study were 1) to investigate the concept of compulsory educational quality focused on desired outcomes of growth-based learning in an equitable and inclusive manner, 2) to examine the needs, problems, and guidelines for the development of compulsory educational quality, 3) to develop a model of compulsory educational quality, and 4) to verify the model and a manual. Key informants consisted of 37 experts and 364 administrators. The instruments used were 1) a conceptual synthesis table 2) a focus group discussion, and 4) a verifying form. The percentage, frequency, mean, and standard deviation were statistically used to analyze data. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The concepts of compulsory educational quality were divided into 2 levels: 1.1) primary level consisted of 5 major concepts with 17 minor concepts, and 70 indicators, 1.2) lower secondary level consisted of 5 major concepts with 23 minor concepts, and 100 indicators, and the confirmation results were overall at the highest level and passed the determined criteria at 3.51 or higher. 2. The needs, problems, and guidelines for the development of compulsory educational quality overall were at a high level in every area. 3. A model for developing compulsory educational quality focused on desired outcomes of learning based on equal and inclusive growth consisting of 7 components was named “DOLEIG-EQD” Model. 4. The verifying results of precision, appropriateness, possibility, and utility of the model and a manual for developing compulsory educational quality were overall at the highest level and passed the determined criteria at 3.51 or higher.

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How to Cite
Yaboonthong ํ. (2023). Compulsory education quality development model focused on the desired outcomes of learning based on equal and inclusive growth. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 18(4). retrieved from
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