The Brand Values Development from The Customer’s Perspective in Sports Apparel Business in Thailand.
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This study aimed to develop a framework for brand value development in the sports apparel industry in Thailand, specifically from the perspective of customers. A mixed-methods approach, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative research methods, was employed. The quantitative research was conducted to investigate the causal and outcome relationships among market-focused factors, corporate transparency, and customer-perspective brand equity. A questionnaire survey was administered to 376 registered sports apparel businesses in Thailand. Additionally, qualitative research was conducted through phenomenological methods, using in-depth interviews with industry experts. The validation and confirmation of the in-depth interview results were performed through a group discussion with the committee on the sports industry within the Federation of Thai Industries, comprising three industry professionals and two academic experts in sports business management. The collected data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling techniques.
The study examined the relationship between market orientation, corporate transparency, and brand value in the context of the sports apparel business in Thailand. The results revealed that Market Orientation exerted a direct influence on brand value from the customer perspective, while also exerting an indirect influence through corporate transparency as perceived by customers. Moreover, Market Orientation was found to have a direct influence on corporate transparency from the customer perspective. Additionally, corporate transparency from the customer's point of view was identified as a crucial factor in determining brand value from the customer's point of view. The statistical analysis confirmed that the hypothetical model was consistent with the empirical data. Specifically, the χ2 value was 53.65, the p-value was 0.08, the χ2/df was 0.84, the GFI was 0.96, the AGFI was 0.97, and the RMSEA was 0.01. These results underscore the significance of corporate transparency and Market Orientation for enhancing brand value in the sports apparel industry of Thailand. The findings have practical implications for business managers in this sector and suggest that they should prioritize Market Orientation and corporate transparency to boost brand value and enhance customer satisfaction.
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