Participatory Multi Criteria Decision Making for Irrigation Management in the Left Main Canal Scheme in Dry Season, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand

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Pattana Kayachai
Chanchai Sangchyoswat


This study aims to investigate appropriate alternative options for participatory multicriteria decision making for the participatory irrigation management in dry season and to discuss relevant actors affect to attitudes for relevant alternative options in participatory irrigation management in the dry season by relevant key stake holders at the Mae Lao irrigation scheme (MLIS), Chiang Rai province in the total irrigated area as 1,920 ha. Under the Participatory irrigation management (PIM), promoted by the Thai royal irrigation department (RID), has supposed to co-operate among relevant stakeholders in irrigation management. In this study, the participatory multi criteria decision-making (PMCDM), based on the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) by relevant key stakeholders (11 government staffs and 22 water user members), was used as a decision rule for decision-making (DM) in prioritizing alternative options for irrigation management. Under domains of irrigation system (technic, irrigated agriculture, institution and budget domains), relevant multiple criteria and alternative options were generated and weighted with relevant criterion scores and alternative solution scores for irrigation management in the decision-making process, conducted by a focus group with an expert facilitator via participatory methods with relevant key stakeholders in the study area. The results concluded that the financial budget criterion in the budget domain has the highest weighted criteria score for decision making and establishing the local irrigation budget and reforming institutional irrigation are the first and the second ranked alternative solutions by relevant key stake holders. Moreover, the result of sensitivity analysis of the criteria showed that two criteria (institutional transparency and financial budget) in two domains (institutional and budget domain, respectively) are the most sensitive for decision making. And the participants’ attitudes toward alternative solutions show that relevant status, roles their responsibilities and irrigational knowledges of participants affected to the point of views on positive and negative attitudes on all alternative solution for participatory irrigation management in the study area.

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How to Cite
Kayachai, P. ., & Sangchyoswat, C. . (2023). Participatory Multi Criteria Decision Making for Irrigation Management in the Left Main Canal Scheme in Dry Season, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 18(6). retrieved from
Research Articles


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