“Beyond Four Walls”: Qualities of Good Educators from the Students’ Perspective
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This study aims to explore the qualities that make a good criminal justice educator and what contributes to their likability among their students. The seven (7) participants responded to the rigorously validated set of open-ended questions to provide answers to the predetermined research questions. What are the perspectives on the qualities of good criminal justice educators, The participants identify that beyond transmitting information, a professor's ability to value students' emotional and learning needs, portray professionalism, competence, and responsibility for their welfare, and advocate for their personal and professional development are essential qualities. A professor's ability to relate to students on a personal level, present material in an interesting manner, communicate effectively, and manage students significantly influences their likability among students. Factors such as using humor, providing real-world examples, being receptive to students, understanding their problems, and inspiring them to become better individuals all contribute to increasing a professor's likability.
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