Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Guidelines to Promote Green Universities of Rajabhat University Southern Area Group in Thailand.

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Nihafeezar Hayiwangoh
Piyaruk Pradabphetrat
Vichit Rangpan


This research aims to develop a model to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the organization's operations to promote the green university status of the 5 Rajabhat Universities, namely, Surat Thani Rajabhat University, Phuket Rajabhat University, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University, Songkhla Rajabhat University, and Yala Rajabhat University. Collect data from in-depth interviews with Open-ended Questions. Select a sample with Purposive Sampling; experts from 5 Rajabhat Universities Southern Area Group recommend qualified interviewees (Gatekeeper) in conjunction with Snowball Sampling to reach the desired study group by selecting interviewees who can provide information on the subject study in-depth

The results of developing a greenhouse gas emission reduction model from organization operations to promote green university of Rajabhat University Southern Area Group in Thailand consisted of 3 steps; Policy formulation process consists of 1) Policy formulation and action plan, and 2) Roles, duties, and participation of personnel and students. The implementation process consists of 1) Establishing the structural system and facilities that infrastructure, Information Technology, Carbon Footprint for Organization, and Carbon offset 2) Implementation of energy and environmental management standards, including energy management and environmental management; transportation, water management, and waste management, and 3) Communicate and create a network of cooperation both within and outside the organization. The evaluation process consists of 1) university assessment, and 2) external assessment.

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How to Cite
Hayiwangoh, N., Pradabphetrat, P. ., & Rangpan, V. . (2023). Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Guidelines to Promote Green Universities of Rajabhat University Southern Area Group in Thailand. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 18(6). retrieved from
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