Error Analysis in Solving Word Problems Among High School Students
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Despite the importance of problem-solving skills in preparing students for the workforce and the emphasis on problem-solving in mathematics education, studies have shown that many students struggle with mathematics problem-solving. In the Philippines, low proficiency in mathematics and a high prevalence of errors in problem-solving have been observed, emphasizing the need for further improvement in students' problem-solving abilities. This study explored the errors made by a group of 40 high school students while solving word problems and examined how their reading comprehension and analytical skills influenced these errors. A quantitative correlational design was employed, and standardized tests were used as data-gathering instruments. The analysis involved statistical measures such as frequency counts, percentages, mean, and standard deviation, as well as inferential statistical methods, including chi-squared for dependence, to establish correlations. The results revealed that most participants were categorized as having instructional-level reading comprehension abilities and average-level analytical abilities. The chi-squared test indicated a significant relationship between reading comprehension levels and problem-solving errors (Χ² (8, N = 40) = 22.371, p = 0.004, Contingency coefficient = 0.599). The identified errors were primarily related to challenges in comprehending and evaluating the problems. The study emphasized the importance of reading comprehension and analytical skills in solving word problems and suggested that educators should focus on developing these abilities to enhance students' problem-solving proficiency.
Keywords: error analysis, reading comprehension, analytical ability, problem-solving in mathematics
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