The characteristics of vacuum fried pineapple cores (Ananas comosus) as affected by processing conditions
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The effect of frying temperature and time on the characteristics of vacuum fried pineapple cored were studied. The finding demonstrated that the severe frying conditions had a significant (p≤0.05) impact on moisture content, oil uptake, color, texture, expansion, microstructure and sensorial evaluation. A rise in frying temperature and time was inversely linked with the moisture content (10.76 to 3.17%) and hardness value (341.28 to 72.09 g). Whereas, it had positively affected on a significant increase in oil absorption (15.00 to 19.97%), color, expansion (20.23 to 50%), pore structure and overall acceptability. The optimal conditions for vacuum frying pineapple cores to obtain the greatest texture and golden yellow color, while achieving the best score (5.13 to 6.20 out of 7) in all sensory aspects, was 80°C for 90 minutes.
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