Impact of climate change on reservoir operation in Central Plain Basin of Thailand

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Tuantan Kitpaisalsakul
Sucharit Koontanakulvong
Winai Chaowiwat


Based on the bias-corrected MRI GCM data, the trend and impact of climate change in the Central Plain Basin of Thailand during present period (1979-2006), near future (2015-2039) and far future (2075-2099) were determined and presented. The air temperature will increase, but the relative humidity will decrease. The rainfall and the inflow to the reservoir will increase. The evapotranspiration and irrigation water demand will increase. The impacts of climate change to dam operation using the general rule curves (rules before year 2012) and the flood rule curves (rules in the flood year 2012) were studied. In Bhumibol Dam, the amount of water deficit and number of deficit years will decrease in the near future and the far future. In Sirikit Dam, the amount of water deficit and number of deficit years will increase in the near future and decrease in the far future. For the possible adaptation measures for mitigating the problems due to impacts of the future climate change, the non structural and structural measures were recommended for implementation.

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How to Cite
Kitpaisalsakul, T., Koontanakulvong, S., & Chaowiwat, W. (2016). Impact of climate change on reservoir operation in Central Plain Basin of Thailand. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 11(2), 13–19. retrieved from
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