Knowledge discovery on dengue fever using data mining techniques

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Nuanwan Soonthornphisaj


Dengue fever is a tropical disease mostly found in Asia including Thailand. The report from Ministry of Public Health showed that in 2015 there were 60,000 dengue patients in Thailand.The research aims to analyze the treatment record obtained from Dengue fever patients to find the feature set that can classify the Dengue severity.Several questions from Thai physicians are investigated using association rules. Some important markers such as the size of grown liver, the level of Aspartate aminotransferase and Alanine aminotransferase are studied. The decision tree, fuzzy logic are applied to classify dengue severity. The performance of data mining techniques are compare with World Health Organization criteria.

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How to Cite
Soonthornphisaj, N. (2016). Knowledge discovery on dengue fever using data mining techniques. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 11(2), 53–61. retrieved from
Research Articles