Behavioral Usage of Facebook and Grade Point Average (GPA): A Case Study of Phuket Rajabhat University

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Pita Jarupunphol
Wipawan Buathong


This article studies the correlation between behavioural usage of Facebook and Grade Point Average (GPA) of undergraduate students at Phuket Rajabhat University (PKRU). A sample of 573 PKRU students was analysed using appropriate research instruments and statistical methods. Several psychological constructs, including those in Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and a condition of addiction, were also hypothesised and investigated if they are related to the use of Facebook and GPA. The results showed that there was an insignificant correlation between the behavioral usage and GPA. However, the condition of addition appears to be a prominent construct in further TAM experiments, since it strongly underlies an individual’s intention to use a system. In addition, a significant relationship between the condition of addiction and GPA is also noticeable in this experiment. The results not only confirmed the validity of TAM, but also supported the existing theory of addiction and behaviour.

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How to Cite
Jarupunphol, P., & Buathong, W. (2018). Behavioral Usage of Facebook and Grade Point Average (GPA): A Case Study of Phuket Rajabhat University. Interdisciplinary Research Review, 13(3), 5–10. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Pita Jarupunphol, Phuket Rajabhat University

Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology

Wipawan Buathong, Phuket Rajabhat University

Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology


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