Application of Taguchi, Taguchi-Pareto and Taguchi-ABC Methods for the Selection and Optimization Problem in Friction Stir Welding Process Parameters of AA6062-T6 Alloy
doi: 10.14456/mijet.2022.32
Friction stir welding, optimisation, selection, orthogonal arrays, aluminium alloysAbstract
In sharing friction stir welding input resources before working, several conflicting demands are made by welders in the system. However, there is no mechanism to distinguish the importance of the respective parameters. This article proposes two novel methods of Taguchi-Pareto and Taguchi-ABC, to concurrently optimize and prioritize process parameters while understanding the importance of parameters in the welding decision process. The input parameters are tool tilt angle, tool rotational speed and welding speed while the output is the tensile strength of the AA6063-T6 alloy. The Khan's specimen data, obtained from the literature is tensile specimens with a dimension of 350mm x 75mm employed in a Batliboi 10 HP milling machine operating at 2000 rpm during the friction stir welding experiments. The joints were made of EN31 die steel. The factor-level table is first formed for the response table development. Furthermore, the Pareto and ABC classification schemes were used to define the cut off points to distinguish the essential experimental trials from the rest. The tensile strength of the friction stirs welded joints of AA6062-T6 alloy are principally affected by the parameters of welding speed, tool tilt angle and rotational speed to yield the most favourable tensile strength. Taguchi Pareto showed the tool rotational speed (1400 rpm), tool tilt angle (2.5°) and welding speed (80 mm/min) as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd parameters respectively. Taguchi's ABC method (Part A) showed a tie between the tool tilt angle (2.5°) and welding speed (80mm/min) while the tool rotational speed (700 rpm) was the third. It is preferable to adopt the Taguchi-ABC method, Part A as the most suitable method with the least energy requirements. Previous literature has explored the Taguchi method but the present research introduces the prioritization idea into the methods to help process engineers in planning welding activities.
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