Impact of Imperfect Channel Estimation on the Performance of Signed Quadrature Spatial Modulation in Massive MIMO Systems
doi: 10.14456/mijet.2022.38
signed quadrature spatial modulation, channel estimation, massive MIMOAbstract
Signed quadrature spatial modulation (SQSM) is invented to enhance the spectral efficiency of spatial modulation (SM), which is a promising candidate to be used as the energy-efficient modulation technique for the 6G-MIMO network. It is shown in the pioneering work that, for the case of the not-so-large number of antennas, SQSM is very robust to the effect of imperfect channel estimation. This motivates us to investigate further the impact of imperfect channel estimation on the performance of SQSM for the case of a large number of antennas. Our results demonstrate that the performance of SQSM is quite robust to the channel estimation error when the number of antennas is increased.
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