Drying Kinetics of House Cricket by Hot Air Drying using Full Air Re-circulation Tunnel under Varying Temperatures and Air Velocities
doi: 10.14456/mijet.2023.6
house cricket, thin layer drying, mathematical model, activation energyAbstract
House cricket is a kind of insect to be used as an alternative protein source to create a new food in the present because of its high yield protein content therefore there are a lot of cricket farm was established for new economics in Thailand. The cricket was processed into easy food by frying or more technology to be cricket power and pasta. However, cricket must be dried and easy method for small scale is hot air drying by solar or in hot air oven. Therefore, this paper aims to kinetic study of thin layer drying of house cricket by hot air in 60, 70, and 80°C varying with 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 m/s. Six semi-theoretical model were used to describe the experiment having confirm the best model by statistic values includes R2, c2, and RMSE. The experimental result was shown that the Midilli drying model is the best fit of thin layer drying of cricket for all temperature and air velocity. The effective moisture diffusivity was obtained in ranged between 4.78×10-9 and 1.31×10-8 m2/s for all experiment. The activation energy of diffusion of cricket is 30.74 – 41.73 kJ/mol which is in the normal range of food materials. Predicted moisture ratio agreed well with experimental values.
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