Dielectric Properties of Wall-Building Materials in Southeast Asia at 1.12-1.7 GHz
doi: 10.14456/mijet.2023.8
relative permittivity, insertion transfer function, frequency response, construction wallAbstract
This paper presents a measurement-based analysis of the complex relative permittivity in typical construction walls in Southeast Asia, such as hollow clay brick and lightweight concrete, using the insertion transfer function methodology. A vector network analyzer performs the measurements between 1.12 GHz and 1.7 GHz, based on the standard rectangular waveguide WR-650 and the radar frequency in the L band at 1.3 GHz, to identify the construction frequency material's frequency and polarization dependence characteristics. The estimated complex relative permittivity in each polarization state (hh, hv, vh, vv) can be used to analyze further the wall type and the object detection behind the wall.
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