Development of Mortgage Approval System Based on Web Service Technology

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สุรศักดิ์ แฝงเมือง
วีระพน ภานุรักษ์
เดือนเพ็ญ ภานุรักษ์


            This research aims to 1) develop a system to approve a home loan using Web services technology, 2) the quality of home loans approved using Web services technologies. Target group Faculty of Information Technology Shares of three people with expertise in computer and information technology holds a master's degree or higher. The research also Home loan approval system using Web services technologies. And evaluate the quality system approved for home loans, using Web services technologies. The statistics used for data analysis, mean and standard deviation.           

            Results of the research are as follows 1) the approval of home loans using Web services technologies. Consisting of administrators, staff, and customers can use the system every module within the scope of a quality system, 2) evaluation of experts. There is an overall assessment of all aspects of the high level.

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How to Cite
แฝงเมือง ส., ภานุรักษ์ ว., & ภานุรักษ์ เ. (2018). Development of Mortgage Approval System Based on Web Service Technology. Journal of Applied Information Technology, 3(1), 21–28. retrieved from


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