Mechanical Properties of Five Species Dried Bamboo

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ธวัชชัย อุ่นใจจม


The purpose of this research is to study the mechanical properties of five popular bamboo species, i.e., Pai Ruak (Thyrsostachys siamensis), Pai Tong (Dendrocalamus asper), Pai See Suk (Bambusa blumeana), Pai Sang (Dendrocalamus strictus), and Pai Liang (Bambusa sp.). Three parts of bamboo culm, i.e. parts from the bottom, middle and top, were used as specimens. These specimens were dried in order to remove moisture content from the wood. Each dried bamboo specimen was tested under either tensile, compressive or bending load using the Universal Testing Machine. This process was to evaluate the bamboos mechanical properties. The result shows that mechanical properties of Pai Liang are in higher than other species. The maximum tensile strength, compressive strength, bending strength, and modulus of elasticity are 124.05 MPa, 92.29 MPa, 265.47 MPa, and 13.17 GPa, respectively.

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How to Cite
อุ่นใจจม ธ., “Mechanical Properties of Five Species Dried Bamboo”, sej, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 8–14, Jul. 2018.
Research Articles


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