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พีระวิทย์ สิริเวชพันธุ
ธนัช สุขวิมลเสรี
ดีบุญ เมธากุลชาติ
ปรียาพร โกษา
พิพัฒน์ สอนวงษ์


Online global GPS processing services are effective method which can be considered as an alternative for the worldwide GPS users. The purpose of this article is to study of positional stability derived from online global GPS processing services byCanadian Spatial Reference System Precise Point Positioning service (CSRS-PPP), Australian Surveying and Land Information Group’s Online GPS Processing Service (AUSPOS), Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) and Scripps Coordinate Update Tool (SCOUT). The GPS data was observed in static mode usingthe dual-frequency receiver occupying at reference station of Department of Lands, Thailand. The resulthas shown the potential of online global GPS processing services which is important information for the survey application in the different accuracy level.

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