Focus and Scope

Journal of Engineering Technology Access. There is a policy to publish high-quality science, technology, and engineering articles. Industrial Education and Innovation targets faculty members, students and researchers inside and outside the institution.


Peer Review Process 

At least three highly qualified experts must review all articles, and the author does not know each other's names. (double-blind review uses 5 reviewers)


Type of article

Research articles, academic articles and book reviews

Publication Ethics

1. Journal of Engineering Technology Access reveals articles in electronics journal format.

2. experts (5 Peer Review) scrutinize and moderate all academic and research articles from inside and outside the university.

3. Articles, text, illustrations, tables, and information published in the journal. That is the personal opinion of the author. Editors are not always required to agree and have no part. Associating with any responsibility is the sole responsibility of the author.

4. The article must never have been published elsewhere and not pending other journals if found to be duplicated. It is the sole responsibility of the author.

5. Any article that the reader deems to be plagiarized or impersonated without reference or mistaken for the author's work. If found, that is the sole responsibility of the author.

6. For Any research articles involving humans and animals, the editorial staff reserves the right. Accepting only research work that has been certified by the board


Thai and English

Publication Frequency 

The journal publishes 2 issues a year as follows:

Issue 1 January - June

Issue 2 July - December